My dermatologist says “information is knowledge” I have heard this many times in my 45 years. I know there is truth in this phrase. Currently I’m working through some skin issues which really are not at face value. I have also been told more than once that I have issues with anxiety and OCD. This is not easy to hear. So mostly I have ignored it. I have not wanted to admit to it. It sounds so weak. I am not weak, I am STRONG.
But not so much really.
If I were strong maybe I wouldn’t be afraid to admit to such things. My skin condition can be fixed. It can be fixed by me. If I stop scratching and picking at myself then it will go away. Sigh. This sounds hard. But guess what nobody ever said success would be easy. It will be hard. But I also know I can do hard things. I have an army of support and a leader who created this earth. How can I fail?
Today I begin by actually admitting I have a weakness and that’s okay.
Let the healing begin, this also starts by focusing on what is good and distancing myself from what is negative and destructive. I’m ready.