MADE: cream puffs from scratch! They were so yummy!
COOKED: barely anything. Big ideas but being sick and feeling under the weather for half the month was not motivating. We did make some homemade soups and chicken parmesan this month though.
Drank: from my homemade recycled kombucha bottle with stickers on the outside. water.
READ: Lift by Kelly Corrigan and I'm halfway through "The Middle Place"
WANTED: so much more rain
RECEIVED: the coolest mug from my friend Alison from Minnesota.
DECIDED: the mother daughter project will be so much fun
WISHED: We would get all the way better, poor Dylan is now sick.
ENJOYED: Two meet ups with photo friends and was filled with inspiration
WONDERED: why some people need all the control and since I don’t understand, I let go.
WORKED ON: being more mindful and living in the moments
STARTED: finding hearts again. They seem to be everyplace
WATCHED: Millions and it was a very darling movie
HOPED: love could conquer all
NEEDED: to start preparing for our DC trip in March, like buying layers of clothes and maybe even new luggage.
SMELLED: pine candles and essential oils
WORE: funny pants and jeans that are too tight
NOTICED: that when I’m still things start to feel better and I can even think more clearly
KNEW: I couldn’t really stop taking stock because I don’t seem to blog much anymore and so this seems to be a way to keep things going, that and my mother daughter project and I didn’t make a single video for January like I had imagined I might.
THANKFUL FOR: still thankful for my legs clearing up. They have a ways to go, it was 5-1/2 years in the making, it will take time but it progresses a little more each day. I think I will be thankful each day for a very long time.
ADMIRED: friends who reach out and love even when they lead busy lives themselves.
SORTED: bills
BOUGHT: a red basket and a small glass basket for my mom who collects small glass baskets
FINALLY: Met Shannon after a few years of knowing and meeting people we mutually know but somehow never meeting each other.
DISLIKED: the feelings that come up inside me, the ones that seem completely out of my control, yet I know they are in my control.
FELT: Sick, Abbie and I both got really sick this month
SNACKED: bananas, I ate more bananas than normal
LISTENED: 1st Wave. I love the 80’s
DISCOVERED: my camera was on lock and I for the longest time couldn’t figure out why I had so little control while in Manual mode. I felt so completely silly over it but wonderfully relieved I finally figured out my problem.