I literally have a 15 minute window to write this blog. It’s about being mindful. I know that seems to be a big buzz word these days but truly if you really think about it, being mindful can change your life. Today is day one of being mindful. It DOES NOT come natural. Not in any way shape or form.
Today I was eating my lunch and mindlessly scrolling social media. When two likes in I thought, this is NOT being mindful. How on earth can I really taste this super greens salad with crunchy Trader Joe’s seasonal onions if I’m scrolling social media and just mindlessly shoving greens in my mouth. Literally that is what I was doing. I pushed the phone away and yes, said OUT LOUD, “this is not being mindful. Put the phone down.” I pushed the phone aside and then I smiled and was proud of myself for that moment and I started to concentrate on the blueberries I had added to my salad and the crunchy carrots and juicy tomatoes. It was a good salad and I actually took the time to enjoy it.
I often will drive mindlessly which sounds dangerous but what I have a terrible habit of doing and I can’t believe I’m about to confess this because it’s a terrible habit but I scratch my scalp to a ridiculous mess until I have something to actually pick at. Driving seems to be the time I do this. It’s probably one of the MOST mindless things I do. Today on the way to taking Abbie to school, I did not touch my hair (key) on the way to work, I did not touch my hair and on my way home, I did not touch my hair. I will feel stressed at work and my hands to straight to my head, much like I used to scratch my legs to death which BTW are 98% better by being MINDFUL. I still have a few spots to work on but my legs have healed tremendously.
I have found that talking to myself seems to be a very good way at reigning myself back in. “Tracie! focus on this beautiful song on the radio and the cars around you, the trees, flowers, birds, people walking across the crosswalk.” TODAY so far it’s been working.
Have you guessed my word for the year yet? It’s MINDFUL and yes I do hope it changes my life for the better all the rest of my days. I wrote it out three times this morning.
Every day practice. It really should be every single moment practice. Just keep practicing and after a while practice makes….close to perfect.