“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”
In our neighborhood there lies a long narrow patch of what used to be dirt and weeds. We have lived here for 19 years and this is what it has been the entire time. Until recently, I noticed that sprinklers were installed and grass was planted. I’m not sure who this property belongs to? I drive by this patch of land sometimes twice a day if not more. I pass by it on my walks. I noticed a while back on one of my walks that it looked like sunflowers were growing. I’ve been keeping my eye on them. Today I drove by and noticed one had bloomed!! I stopped my car and took a picture of the beautiful sunflower blooming on November 4th! I’m used to seeing sunflowers in the summer and this just seems to me like a gift. I’m not sure who planted this row of sunflowers against the block wall and in the new grass but they are there and they bring me joy. I’m sure they make others smile too. I wish I knew who planted these. I would give them a hug and say thank you.
There is a place we walk sometimes that is pretty much a weed patch mixed with wild flowers that birds might plant. I have often thought it would be nice to scatter poppy seeds or hollyhock seeds in this massive space of neglected land. I have not done it. It’s just been a thought. Maybe I should act on it? I think it might bring joy to some. There is a children’s book that is about something along these lines. It’s called “Miss Rumphius” written by Barbara Cooney. It’s about a women who lived by the sea and wanted the world to be more beautiful so she planted lupine seeds where ever she went!
Last week got hectic and I forgot to take a picture or post. I’m trying to get back on track this week, even if it means an iPhone photo like the one I share above. I realize the whole point of this project was to pick up our big girl cameras and be mindful. I was mindful and I count that as half. I stopped to admire a beautiful sunflower. I wonder Christina’s mindful eye found this past week, you can visit her HERE at 22 LIMES and see:)