This week I'm happy to report I picked up the DSLR a few times along with both film cameras. One is loaded with color while the other is loaded in black and white. I feel like I lost my touch on the film cameras. Nothing looks clear and I'm really nervous how the images will turn out. Like really, really nervous. I'm reminded that with film I take such extra time and I only get one shot so to speak. I don't want to waste the film you know? I remember those types of feelings. I remember taking action shots, and panning shots and clicking at the exact right moment it was like I knew my camera so well. It's not like that anymore. I'm hoping it's like a bike and it will just come back but we will see when the prints are developed.
I don't think I shared this yet but one of the film cameras was a gift from my long time blogger friend Kate, a while back when I was on Wordpress we became friends because of our blogs. She was always so encouraging and actually still is to this day. She knows I love photography and she offered to ship me her grandmothers camera to take pictures with. It's an awesome Olympus camera. I've never shot an Olympus before! I told her I would shoot a role and mail her back her camera. She then told me she would just send it to Goodwill because she would never shoot it herself. Then I agreed to keep it. It's an honor to shoot her grandmothers camera. A true honor. It had the manuals, the case, film, flashes, the whole shebang! Her grandmother took tremendous good care of her camera. I'm grateful Kate, thank you for trusting me with this special gift. I've always shot mainly Canon, my DSLR is Canon and my film camera is Canon. I've just stuck with it, it's a familiar feeling. I secretly always wanted to shoot Nikon because of Simon and Garfunkel and their Kodachrome song but needless to say, I'm a Canon girl.
The image I share this week was taken in my backyard. I remember taking photography in high school and being told to avoid shooting into the light, now granted that was many moons ago and things change but back then it was kind of frowned upon. That's weird because when I shoot into the light I get some of my favorite images. The image above is no exception. I personally love it. I love the detail in the leafs on the tree that the birds planted in our yard. I love the flare from the sunlight, I love the opalescent rainbow colors in the spiderweb thread. It's just so very pretty to me. Today I share my image from Sunday evening as the sun was radiating it's golden light. I also took my own portrait below! If you want to consider my shadow a portrait. I sure do! Please don't forget to visit my creative partner Christina and see what she will share this week at 22 LIMES.