I was quite taken by this little sweet plant this weekend. I had never seen a plant quite like this. I thought it would look nice on our dinning room table. The common name of this plant is a rattlesnake plant and It looked like a painting to me, and to my mother-n-law it looked like feathers, first born said it looked like leafs inside a leaf. I can see all of that. I love how the underside of the leaf is a plum color and the outer edge of the leaf has a slight ruffle with darker green edges. There is just so much to admire about this little plant. I can't get over it.
I believe it's related to what is commonly called the prayer plant because last night as the sun began to go down I noticed it folded up all it's leaves in towards each other. The technical name for this plant is Calathea lancifolia.
My mother-n-law took me to a nursery in Orange called M&M Nursery and I fell in love with the place. Very whimsical with lots of small fairy gardens and some not so small fairy gardens, like really grand with lots of water falls and streams, make believe villages with miniature plants. Besides all the sweet fairy garden stuff they also seem to have unique and old fashioned plants that I don't seem to see at local nurseries.
I was so excited about this new addition to our family that I doodled her too! Just like we named the Italian tomato plant Francisca, who is doing quite well by the way, if you might be wondering:) I think we will name this little beauty, Beatrice and I will call her Bea for short. It's really important to talk to your plants. They grow better, truly they do!
I'm not sure what my creative partner Christina has been seeing lately with her mindful eye, I know she is quite busy with her little grand girls and going on massive hikes but if she has had a chance maybe she will share what she has seen lately at 22 LIMES last week I found it quite magic that I was talking about paying more attention and seeing the yellow flowers on our tomato plants bloom into fruit when her image was exactly that!