MADE: (memories) I made time for a moon date, I made time to see Jeanie and she treated me to dinner!! Which also allowed me to get automatic joy from a little critter named Caiden, I made time to see my niece play softball, I made time to see a friend’s home and visit for a while, I made time to make a visit to Landers to enjoy time with family, I made time to have Amelie over for a weekend with her cousin, I made time to visit a little person in the hospital which also included spending time with two other friends and it also lead to automatic joy from another little critter named Caleb. And I was going to get down on myself for not MAKING anything but I’m so happy time was made and set aside for friends and family. Not to mention a large family gathering at my home for a Thanksgiving meal.
COOKED: A Thanksgiving meal
DRANK: More soda than I should have
READING: At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon, a friend of my loaned me the book
WANTED: To fully enjoy the upcoming December Advent with time spent with family and no hustle and bustle. I totally boycotted Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I want to make things with my family and friends and spend time with them making memories.
RECEIVED: a darling soup/coffee mug with tea, a giving key “set free”, a really adorable, tiny heavy bird and a beautiful handmade tiny quilt with an angel on it from four really sweet and giving souls and they all wrote the most beautiful letters to go with their gifts. And cupcakes…mini ones and big ones from our friend who just began a new job at a cupcake shop!!
DECIDED: To rearrange the blue room for winter
WISHED: Reconciliation between two families
ENJOYED: Trying a new church with a good friend
WONDERED: Why some people have no trouble at all sweeping things under the rug and acting like everything is okay when it’s not okay at all.
WORKED ON: Accepting what I can’t change alone
STARTED: to make more room on my hard drive
WATCHED: Home Alone and Inside Out
HOPED: Hearts would soften and things could change
NEEDED: grace….towards myself
SMELLED: toasty fires and home cooked meals
WORE: a red tutu for seriously the happiest 5k on the planet
NOTICED: that when you give you tend to receive without even planning on it
KNEW: that November would fly like lightning and although I didn’t share my gratitude daily via social media, I practiced it. Gratitude has proven to be truly good medicine.
THOUGHT: A little bit about what my word may be for 2016
ADMIRED: Those who seem completely satisfied living simply and giving so much when they don’t have much to give themselves.
SORTED: our books again and set out the Christmas children’s book on the old garden chair we brought in this month
BOUGHT: A giving key for a giving soul and a birthday gift for my sweet sister Mandy.
FINALLY: Participated in the color run!
DISLIKED: The lack of grace I have witnessed towards a little girl who is only deserving of love and grace and honestly I get angry when I think about it…I’m working on that part too.
FELT: sad because I don’t understand why some things don’t always turn out the way I had imagined. I know it’s not good to have expectations and humans will disappoint. It’s just the way life tends to be.
SNACKED: on cupcakes…thanks to Tessa
LISTENED: to Non Dairy Dreamer who gets a time slot each Thursday from 10-11 on a local University channel
DISCOVERED: that no matter how hard we try, there will be disappointments in this life but it’s the way we handle them that makes all the difference.
SCRIPTURE: Lamentations 3:23