This is how it went. I walked because it's good for me. I often don’t enjoy it all that much. This is the honest truth. Some days it’s easier than other days. Some days it's especially difficult. Yesterday it felt as if I was dragging an elephant behind me. One step in front of the other.
Today I did two entire laps and I didn’t think of a single feather. On my third lap I thought about a feather and guess what? There was a feather. Not just any old feather but a sweet white one with a black tip. It wasn’t very big. I’m pretty certain it was there the entire time. I didn’t see it because I wasn’t looking. The moment I thought about it, really really thought about it. It was there. I’m not saying I have this crazy weird power of thoughts that materialize, but I am saying if you pay close attention and think about it, your eyes will then be opened to see what was there all along right in front of you.
There are gifts each day. We can be having the most terrible day. Our loved ones can lay dying, our children can be in the dark and away from us in places we have no control over but there are always gifts. I truly believe in gratitude and if we truly appreciate the small wonders around us then it makes those rough times just a little bit easier to get through but even bigger than that for me is, I believe all the gifts and each and everything that happens is from above. It is allowed, it is given, it is taken because life without love, loss, emotions is an empty life. So we must take the good along with the bad, it’s just the way it was designed. Or at least this is how I believe.
And I thought I would also finish with juice. I should be called the juice master pretty soon. I think it’s the longest roll I have ever had juicing. It helps so much the oldest enjoys it with me. Actually tells me it helps him. So I continue. I get so excited about the color mixing. I don’t like when I mix greens with reds because it makes ugly browns. So I try to stay with relatively the same color palette. Yeah, that's how I juice according to color. This morning it was all about yellow and green so I decided to call this one yellow and green dream. See below. Everything that went in the juice is pictured, only you may not see the ginger but it’s there and chia seeds in the end. I don’t juice the citrus, I always fresh squeeze that part in.
3 cucumbers
2 small green apples
a knob of ginger
3 yellow carrots
1 yellow bell pepper
a small bowl of spinich
1 lemon
1 lime