Taking Stock June

I’m happy that since January I have been able to take stock. It’s been my one consistency since blogging in general has slowed down tremendously since I switched to square space.

MADE:  A paper chain count down to when our littlest and only girl will be back home. 

COOKED: Italian zucchini from my garden.  Yum.   

DRANK: my green juice, back on coffee…that didn’t last but a second

READ:  “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise L. Hay.  Thank you Crystal, I remember this book cover well from the 90’s when I stocked books at Walden Books. 

WANTED: I still want a record player..  YEP still.  It’s really a matter of not wanting to shovel out the dough

RECEIVED:  a beautiful painting.  A collaboration of sorts.  I appreciate it very much.  Thank you Carie.

PLAYED:  in the pool

DECIDED:  to be more gentle with myself

WISHED:  I would be more of a routine girl…sort of

ENJOYED: a long weekend in Indiana seeing family and friends

WONDERED:  how much more hair Max could keep shedding. 

PONDERED:  the thought of having smooth legs and being at peace with who I am.

STARTED:  a journal with my littlest and only girl that we can do together while apart.  A wreck it kind of journal. 

WATCHED: videos from my Time Capsule workshop, trying to get re-inspired. 

HOPED:  for the best possible health

NEEDED: to simplify my closet and drawers…and did

SMELLED:  the sweet earth

WORE:  a super rad t-shirt made especially with love from Amy and Christina - and the NOW gals who met up on the East Coast

NOTICED:  Light coming back to my first born

KNEW:  Meeting Angela, Andrea and Laura would be all I imagined and more. 

THOUGHT:  about painting that dinning room, now a gray color instead of peacock. 

ADMIRED:  My second born for his discipline and great example of good health

SORTED:  old clothes and donated them

BOUGHT: a pretty brass ring in Indiana

FINALLY: felt my own light and peace come back after stopping a medication that was meant to give me this but instead gave me more darkness and anxiety

DISLIKED:  all the bad things that happen in this world:(

FELT:  much better this month knowing my test came back negative and having a more regular month in terms of health

FOLLOWING:  Jesus my best example

SNACKED:  a little junk like doughnuts from zombie in Fullerton

LISTENED: “hold on tight” by Greg Holden because it will make a great song for a new video

DISCOVERED:  that Indiana is just beautiful even it’s humidity because I think that humid weather does wonder for peoples skin.  All the Indiana folks had gorgeous, supple glowing skin.  AND two new magazines.  The Sun and Flow, both very excellent.  Thank you Aunt Tina for Sun…it’s so wonderful. 

SCRIPTURE:  Matthew 11:28-30  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and you will find rest for you souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."