Today I decided to shave my legs. It was quite the ordeal. The hair was long and it was like avoiding land mines as I gently ran the razor over my sore legs. When I was finished it wasn’t perfect, getting them perfect would be really hard in the condition they are in and the soothing shaving cream with soy didn’t seem to make them feel much better in fact they felt more on fire than soothed, smooth and gorgeous. But it’s done. Sometimes when I do shave on rare occasions I feel like my legs don’t itch as much. I also shaved my arm pits. The family may even have a celebration for that since I looked like a teenaged boy under my arms. I didn’t mind but they did seem to feel a little more itchy then normal, so I shaved them too. I find I can’t see as well under my arm pits these days. So who knows they may not be as smooth as I think they are.
I cleaned my bathroom floors this weekend. I used a recipe that was going around Facebook and guess what? It works. It works wonders. I added some essential blend called purify to give it a nice fragrance too. My floors look pretty awesome.
I accidentally bought an Anne Lamott book on Abbie’s Kindle. I had meant to buy it in real book form but I must have hit a wrong button. So it wasn’t an accident I purchased her book called Small Victories, it was just that I preferred to read it while holding it in my hand and while turning real live pages. I hate the Kindle, it frustrates me. I just hate it cause I don’t really know how to use it. I’m actually listening to the book which is narrated by Anne herself. That’s new to me too but it was an option so I thought I would try it.
I can see light coming back into my oldest son’s life. It’s so nice to have him around more. I woke up this morning after having a sleepless night and he and his friend were making breakfast in the kitchen, fresh fruit and hot tea. His friend made us dark chocolate peanut butter vegan cookies as a thank you for the graduation card and gift we gave her. It was so sweet. I love to see a heart of gratitude like that. I was very impressed.
I watched intently all weekend on IG as the NOW YOU gals met up in Connecticut. Wishing badly I could be there but feeling complete joy and still oddly feeling included even though I wasn’t physically there. My dream list included meeting these women but I know there will be other gatherings. There must be. The timing was just bad. We leave for Indiana this week which will also be nice because although I didn’t get to meet my NOW YOU girls I do get to meet up with three amazing photographers and human beings in Indiana this week. Along with meeting Rich’s extended Indiana family. It will be a whirlwind but I can’t wait to hug these ladies, to laugh with them to talk with them. To meet Rich’s family, watch them dance and play music and eat lots of good home town food.
I’m slowly stepping back into the light. It feels nice. I missed it.