This morning the table chronicles were born. Rich said out loud "the table has some interesting things going on" That's all that needed to be said and I had my camera phone out documenting the table. This is not staged this is real life. These are the things that end up on the common table. I knew much of it would be mine. I tend to leave my "things" around. I do like order so it does freak me out when it gets this way. So this is what I did. I took a picture of half the table and then I cleaned it up. But guaranteed tomorrow will be a whole different scene of "stuff" on the table. I have decided that every so often I will chronicle my table and just sort of tell you a little bit about the stuff that ends up there.
The converse are Abbie's, she set them there before school started and they are the shoes she wore today. The two pair of scissors. I'm not sure who put them there and why. A lent roller for obvious reasons, two dogs and two cats. A book cover, a little stand alone speaker (Dylan's) A little red riding hood antique bowl, the one I have been using for my prayer bowl, my Bible, a Target receipt, philips screw driver, colored pencils and a pencil sharpener. A really really darling coloring book which has them theme of Paris. I love all things French since my niece and nephew are half French and and my brother-n-law is French. Although I have never been there, I dream of it. A towel. My bag and two books and a pair of socks on the bench. The Bench that was ruined last year when the boys decided to take it in the back yard and use it as a weight bench and we got a freak summer storm that took off it's finish. Adds character right? That's what they tell me anyway. Oh my goodness the SOCKS! Tell me I'm not alone in finding random socks here or there and everywhere except where they should be?
This is all I have to say about my table and the stuff it collects.