“be strong. You never know who you’re inspiring”
How is it that I seem to get the exact message I need the exact time I need it?
Our 24th wedding anniversary is on May 22nd (Monday) We went away Friday after work and returned home late Sunday morning. Rich surprised me with a little get-a-way in Laguna Beach, while this isn’t far from home it felt worlds away. This month has been challenging trying to make healthy choices, get more steps in and in general be a healthier person. I joined a 30 day brave challenge to keep me motivated on my life style change. That’s helped but because May has always been a month of major celebration it’s been hard. I go two steps forward then three steps back. I have announced to the internet and whomever is reading my blog and updates on IG and FB that I’m on this what I call “health journey” I feel like it holds me accountable in ways.
While I have changed my eating habits quite a bit I have also experienced some discomfort with my legs. I already had a major flare up and infection came up in my right leg. My health coach told me it was a good sign. Toxins coming out. Some people have stomach issues and bathroom issues where their toxins release, me, it’s the skin. This weekend I had another major flare up and by Sunday I had a hard time walking comfortably. Super red, raised and tight, two volcano’s ready to erupt. Tonight I decided to bite the bullet and take what Maritza calls the natural antibiotic. One tablespoon of raw honey, cayenne pepper and one garlic clove. So I did it, I have been afraid to try it for fear of reeking of garlic but I felt desperate tonight. I also put honey over the infected area’s and hoping by morning the poison will have found it’s way out.
I have had the challenges of special celebrations, birthdays, Mothers Day, our anniversary then there is the infection that keeps rearing it’s ugly head, or the sleepless nights when all I do is scratch my already flared up wounds. My cousin Jeanie told me endurance should be my word as I have claimed the catch phrase “Keep Swimming”
Today was a day of defeat. I felt depressed and this could have something to do with the way I have eaten lately. This month I have had way less sugar than my old ways but I have still had some treats. This month I treated myself to a vegan cinnamon roll, one sprinkles cupcake and a chocolate lava cake dessert on mothers day. While this isn’t terrible it’s been hard this month. When I got home today I slept. I slept because I didn’t know what else to do. I felt like giving up.
I ended up making good choices for dinner and stopping by Sprouts to set myself up for success this week. Then I took a bath and guess what? That darn bath bomb had the most perfect message once again.
I’m not giving up. Even though I feel like it. I’m holding the word endurance close as I keep on swimming. Because as I love to say…..THE JOURNEY IS LONG and I have so much FURTHER TO GO.