Today is 40 days! 40 days and 40 nights of a mind change, a serious mind change. I believe it was 2010 that I began to experience a change in my body that I didn’t understand. During those 7 years I saw at least 7 or more doctors. All different types of doctors because I couldn’t understand how for 40 years of my life I was fine. Relatively fine. Then all of a sudden I became extremely anxious and my OCD took over. My body itched and I wouldn’t stop scratching. The past couple of years things have gotten so much better. I still like to say I’m 90% not quite 100% and this again sparked me to change the way I have been eating and also take control over my own health these past 40 days. When will it become a lifestyle and not a crazy weird and temporary diet? I’m hoping to finally get this, because this isn’t a diet I’m on, it’s a new way of life. A life that includes far more healthy choices and way, way less unhealthy choices.
I read about it for years, I fantasized about it. Read health books, fitness magazines, enjoyed success stories. Watched shows like Biggest Loser as I sat and ate snacks of ice-cream, cookies, brownies, brownie batter, cookies and cookie dough, hand fulls of chocolate chips. Sugar has had a good strong hold on me for many years. I have on more than one occasion ordered cake for dinner. Although I have taken my soda intake way down, I would enjoy a coke as we dined out and never turned down the free re-fills. As I type this out I can’t believe the choices I’ve made for a number of years.
I decided 40 days ago to invest money into seeing someone who could help me with this journey. I have not regretted one bit spending money on this because I feel so different already and I understand so much more. She is a wonderful teacher and a very good example of beautiful health. Her skins shimmers and shines, her eyes are bright, her hair is long and shiny and her body fits her skeleton perfectly.
I still have a very long way to go. I will take each day as they come and hope to make the best choices I can with each meal I eat. The first two weeks without refined sugar was horrible. I felt absolutely horrible. My energy was low, my moods were mean and even now my skin is still detoxing all the stagnant yuck-ness that has been inside my body. Everyone is unique and different even in the way they detox. My skin has always been a big issue for me. I show my stress in my skin. A few weeks before I got married my eyelids broke out in a ugly rash, I would get hives all over my legs when I was stressed or little boils would pop up randomly. I never had bad acne but other strange skin issues. So I guess my “thing” is my skin.
Today I have lost 16 pounds in 40 days. When normally my weight wouldn’t budge much no matter how much I walked or worked out. I have been told diet and nutrition is a large percentage of how to lose fat. Working out and moving is very important for your heart and overall health but I have been told if you don’t change your diet you wont change very much.
I know this has consumed me lately and it’s all I have been talking about and posting pictures of but a large part of my success also comes from the encouragement I receive from my friends and family who read my words and see my pictures and encourage me to keep swimming.
I never in all my years thought I would reach a weight of 193 pounds on my small framed 5’4” body. That’s a lot to handle on my bones and joints. I was feeling it too. I wasn’t being very kind to myself that’s for sure. I was in a big depression too. It’s up to me to change this. I’m the ONLY one in fact who can change my path. Keep swimming with me. I want you to feel good too.