“COMMITMENT means staying LOYAL to what you said you were going to do long after the MOOD you said it in has left you. ”
this was day 5 of the detox. Day 5 was the HARDEST day. I still have my laugh lines and expression lines that I'm actually pretty proud of because it just means I've smiled and laughed an awful lot but I think I do see a bit of a glow to my skin.
Today is 40 days! 40 days and 40 nights of a mind change, a serious mind change. I believe it was 2010 that I began to experience a change in my body that I didn’t understand. During those 7 years I saw at least 7 or more doctors. All different types of doctors because I couldn’t understand how for 40 years of my life I was fine. Relatively fine. Then all of a sudden I became extremely anxious and my OCD took over. My body itched and I wouldn’t stop scratching. The past couple of years things have gotten so much better. I still like to say I’m 90% not quite 100% and this again sparked me to change the way I have been eating and also take control over my own health these past 40 days. When will it become a lifestyle and not a crazy weird and temporary diet? I’m hoping to finally get this, because this isn’t a diet I’m on, it’s a new way of life. A life that includes far more healthy choices and way, way less unhealthy choices.
I read about it for years, I fantasized about it. Read health books, fitness magazines, enjoyed success stories. Watched shows like Biggest Loser as I sat and ate snacks of ice-cream, cookies, brownies, brownie batter, cookies and cookie dough, hand fulls of chocolate chips. Sugar has had a good strong hold on me for many years. I have on more than one occasion ordered cake for dinner. Although I have taken my soda intake way down, I would enjoy a coke as we dined out and never turned down the free re-fills. As I type this out I can’t believe the choices I’ve made for a number of years.
I decided 40 days ago to invest money into seeing someone who could help me with this journey. I have not regretted one bit spending money on this because I feel so different already and I understand so much more. She is a wonderful teacher and a very good example of beautiful health. Her skins shimmers and shines, her eyes are bright, her hair is long and shiny and her body fits her skeleton perfectly.
This is my new favorite tea. My holistic health coach sells all sorts of yummy teas, have not had one I don't love.
I still have a very long way to go. I will take each day as they come and hope to make the best choices I can with each meal I eat. The first two weeks without refined sugar was horrible. I felt absolutely horrible. My energy was low, my moods were mean and even now my skin is still detoxing all the stagnant yuck-ness that has been inside my body. Everyone is unique and different even in the way they detox. My skin has always been a big issue for me. I show my stress in my skin. A few weeks before I got married my eyelids broke out in a ugly rash, I would get hives all over my legs when I was stressed or little boils would pop up randomly. I never had bad acne but other strange skin issues. So I guess my “thing” is my skin.
Today I have lost 16 pounds in 40 days. When normally my weight wouldn’t budge much no matter how much I walked or worked out. I have been told diet and nutrition is a large percentage of how to lose fat. Working out and moving is very important for your heart and overall health but I have been told if you don’t change your diet you wont change very much.
I know this has consumed me lately and it’s all I have been talking about and posting pictures of but a large part of my success also comes from the encouragement I receive from my friends and family who read my words and see my pictures and encourage me to keep swimming.
I never in all my years thought I would reach a weight of 193 pounds on my small framed 5’4” body. That’s a lot to handle on my bones and joints. I was feeling it too. I wasn’t being very kind to myself that’s for sure. I was in a big depression too. It’s up to me to change this. I’m the ONLY one in fact who can change my path. Keep swimming with me. I want you to feel good too.