“Of course, there will always be those who look at technique, who ask “how”, while others of a more curious nature will ask “why” Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information.”
It's been such a while since we have spent time in our mother daughter project but this weekend we had some time and inspiration. The inspiration came from artist Man Ray. While he was a painter he is most known for his portrait photography. I love Pinterest for inspiration because honestly even when I might think I'm coming up with my own ideas, they have already been played out by another. It's just the way things seem to be. So why not take an old photograph by someone I really like and use the mother and daughter as models. Mother takes picture of daughter and daughter takes picture of mother. The image of daughter by mother is taken with Canon 70D, the picture of mother by daughter is taken with iPhone 6Plus.
Our inspiration is from a photograph called Woman with Long Hair, the date is 1929. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share but if not I'm sure someone will let me know. I found my image and copied it from Pinterest. See below inspiration piece.
Woman with Long Hair - By Man Ray 1929
Below is the image of my daughter. I asked her to open her eyes because I think she has the most beautiful eyes and it's what I wanted to see in my image. Taken with Canon 70D ISO 200 F 4.5 the light from her bedroom window which faces the West. I edited photo with app TinType. She thinks it looks creepy, I think it looks dreamy!
Below is the image of me, taken by my daughter with my iPhone. Edited with the app TinType and we went with eyes closed for me, she did my hair in braids and then we took them out just before the shot so my hair would be wavy. I love how she didn't want the dark red lipstick and didn't want the crinkled hair. She wanted to stay as close to her natural look as possible. I love that about her. It's not always that way. Sometimes she is up for a more modified look but today she wasn't and I always try to respect how she is feeling in the moment.
Below is us together after the photo shoot. We just laid on the floor and with the help of the good old selfie stick, we took this blurry image. :) These were taken today March 18, 2018. She is 16 on this day and I'm 47.
I'm grateful she is game for my "projects" If you are reading this, thank you!