“hello, sun in my face. hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields...watch, now, how i start the day in happiness and kindness.”
Last weekend I planted some cat grass for our cats. It sits right by the window that NYLA and Garfunkel like to sit in. 7 days ago when I planted the grass it was just a planter box filled with dirt and buried seeds. It quickly began to break its way through the soil and became this fresh kitty grass. I had a nice conversation this week with a creative friend of mine. We have had quite a few projects together in the past. We both have found that with accountability and encouragement from one another we are far more likely to succeed in our creative ideas. We have decided that....yes.....that we will do our best to pick up our big girl cameras every single week and post a picture on Sunday. Now this week (cough, cough) I managed to take pictures of this grass growing. Which was not my exact vision of my first post for our new project. However I did pick up my camera and I did take a few pictures. I'm really very excited to see what Christina has posted, you can click on her blog HERE - 22 LIMES to find out. I have not clicked on it myself as of yet. It's like Christmas though, I'm super excited to see what she did this week. Our conversation was on Thursday I believe, so keep in mind neither of us had a full week to shoot. I find it rather perfect though being spring has recently sprung that I should share a picture of new growth. I have to remind myself often that it's not about perfection, it's about grace.
just keep swimming
It's funny though because we both talked about how our focus with our 50mm's is not exactly as crisp as we would like to see it. I question if it's actually my vision. It was an affordable lens that was highly recommended. I shoot a Canon and she shoots Nikon so keep in mind although we are both using a prime lens they are different and we are both having the same struggles. Either I need glasses or I need to just keep practicing and this project will be good practice.
Lastly, we need a name for this project. I have no clue as of today what the name might be. She seems to have a witty mind for that sort of thing. Any ideas out there? The project only has these requirements. We use our DSLR's and we post each Sunday. We don't even have a theme, it's basically whatever might strike us each week.