MADE: Our down payment for the 8th grade DC trip. I decided to go. Trusting it will all just work itself out
COOKED: Mama Bears Southwest Chicken and two big pots of chili for a house full of family
DRANK: Sun tea and cinnamon coffee
READ: Chapter 1 of Artist Way, “Keep Going, the Art of Perseverance” by Joseph M. Marshall and “The Untethered Soul” by Michael A. Singer
WANTED: Get fit without any effort (lol) If I think about it enough will it just happen? Keep dreaming.
RECEIVED: Two beautiful mermaid mosaics made by my talented sister-n-law….2 for only the price of 1!
PLAYED: Spotify whenever I could
DECIDED: To take a quarter off FB then quickly changed my mind
WISHED: I was not so Stubborn
ENJOYED: An art show that our Sister Sarah was featured, spending a day taking the metro to San Juan Capistrano, A morning coffee visit at my mom’s, breakfast out with our neighbors, getting back to the school routine
WONDERED: If I could live more simply
WORKED ON: My creative spirit
STARTED: Journaling each day and also a new project called the ordinary
WATCHED: The blood moon eclipse
HOPED: My motivation would just click into gear already
NEEDED: A new bra
SMELLED: Fresh brewed coffee and rain on the asphalt
NOTICED: Dylan’s guitar playing has gotten even better
KNEW: Control never equals freedom
THOUGHT: Going to the movies with Abbie and her friends and friends mom’s would be fun…it was
ADMIRED: Crystal’s courage, and ability to work hard to get the things that are important to her, health and knowledge
SORTED: My jewelry box
BOUGHT: A new bra!
FINALLY: Got the family laundry under control
DISLIKED: Judgement and Controlling people
SNACKED: Walnuts, Apple, Green Juice and always a little chocolate
LISTENED: Songs I thought may go well with future videos
DISCOVERED: Letting Go is vital to working towards that goal
SCRIPTURE: Galatians 6:4 Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else. (worth repeating)