I was first introduced to Golden Milk…only my friend called it tea a few years back. She gave me the recipe to make it from scratch and I did and I loved it but it was a little bit of work so I didn’t make it very often. In my old blog I explain how to make it from scratch HERE
Yesterday I made a special trip to a store called Mother’s and this store has all kinds of really great healthy options. I wanted to share the golden milk mixture I found there yesterday. It’s much quicker and easier than the one I used to make. The ingredients are nice and simple too. It contains turmeric, black pepper, vanilla, ashwagandha, cardamom and dates. It’s vegan, gluten and dairy free and no GMO’s. In case you might wonder what Ashwagandha is because I did, it’s a root with lots of really great benefits. Really great for me because it promotes things like graceful aging, menopausal support, memory support, mood booster and even fertility. Crazy good. I have luckily discovered the exact golden milk mixture I purchased for 20.00 at Mothers on Amazon for $12.34. Just search Gaia Herbs Golden Milk, 3.7 Ounce on Amazon and it will pop right up.
I made mine with hemp milk and it became a dairy beverage when I added the grass fed organic butter. Here it is in the high 80’s and a bit humid for these parts and I’m snuggled in with a great book and a hot cup of golden milk. I just couldn’t wait until fall to try it.
It’s good. I would recommend it and yes even $12.34 is a little much but I believe it will make many hot cozy drinks this fall and winter and with all it’s health benefits it’s well worth it. It helps better digestion, soothes a headache, anti-inflammatory, helps fight against colds, boosts good cholesterol and even aids in weight loss support. Of course I’m not a professional so please don’t take all I have to say here as the “golden rule” but do your own research, check it out and try it. I think it tastes really great and feels like a treat. If you are a local friend stop by my house this winter for a cozy cup. Be warned though turmeric stains and loves to leaves it’s mark.